Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Reaching Moms One Text at at Time

A successful and well-known company doesn’t come only from within. The success of a company comes from the publicity it receives from the outside; the media. To receive desired publicity, a company needs to foster good relationships with the media. A company should utilize their media relations whenever they have new news regarding events, announcements, issues, etc.

Johnson & Johnson is a prime example of a company utilizing their relationships with the media to showcase a new campaign called Text4baby. The text4baby campaign is an effort to curb premature births by educating moms-to-be on health issues. Mothers-to-be who text "BABY" to 511411 will receive weekly texts, timed to their due date or their baby's birth date. The messages deal with nutrition, immunization and birth defect prevention, and will continue until the baby's birthday.

Not all mothers can afford health care & 90% of people in the U.S. have cell phones. The next best thing is texting expecting mothers tips about pregnancy and giving birth. Now that is what I call being up on the latest trends…

It is one thing coming up with an awesome campaign, yet the most important part is publicizing it and getting the word out there. Text4baby has not only been publicized on Johnson & Johnson’s website, but it has also appeared on their Facebook and Twitter pages as well. J&J utilized Facebook and Twitter to showcase how officials from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy were going to announce the details of the campaign. How much more legit can you get?

Government officials have publicized the campaign in speeches and promotional materials. Researchers at the George Washington University have agreed to evaluate the effectiveness of text4baby by measuring health trends for mothers and newborns.

Text4baby has appeared on Youtube and on numerous news outlets. You can also visit and become a member today. J&J has made it very easy to follow the text4baby campaign and even join if wanted.

Successful or not?...

When searching for Text4baby I did see it appear on a lot of different websites on the internet, and I do understand that we are in a very internet savvy world today. However, I would have liked to see it appear more. I think J&J did a good job by repeatedly speaking about it on Twitter and Facebook. Yet, if I were the PR person for J&J I would have maybe tried to get information, or a spokesperson on a talk show such as the Tyra Show or Orprah. In this case, J&J would be guaranteed to tons of media coverage and awareness about their new campaign. Again, if I were the PR person for J&J, or for any other company, I feel as though having media relations with such people are very important today.

With J&J being a world-wide company, I also feel that if they had their CEO speak on national television about the new campaign that they would receive a lot of credit for it. Myself, being the PR person, would obviously have a pre-written speech for the CEO of which he approved. If he were to be on a talk show or interviewed, we would previously go over major speaking points and or possible questions that could be discussed.

J&J could have also produced commercials regarding the new campaign. Today, if you are not sitting at your computer you are most likely sitting in front of the TV. I think that would have been very helpful in promoting the new campaign.

I do feel that J&J did a good job with the promotion of their campaign. I give them 2 thumbs up for using Twitter and Facebook, and mastering the use of today's social networking sites. Yet, like I stated previously, they could have used their media relations a little more.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Using Social Media

With the social media being as demanding and popular as it is today, most large companies are jumping on the band waggon and beginning to use these sites to their advantage. By using these sights, companies are doing many many great things…

1. They are constantly reaching and staying in contact with their customers, employees, stakeholders, etc., and providing us with the information that we want to hear.
2. They are also able to compete with their competitors who are also using these sites

…This list goes on. So the real question is why NOT use social media? If your company isn’t using it you aren’t keeping up with the trends of society. You are being foolish not to use it.

We aren’t living in the ice age anymore people!!

Johnson & Johnson and their use of the social media…

When doing further research on Johnson & Johnson and their use of social media, I found that they are utilizing it to their advantage.


To help you stay informed about the latest news from the company, Johnson & Johnson provides an RSS feed of the press releases and statements posted to their site. The most recent press release issued by Johnson & Johnson was on February 9, 2010 (4 days ago) explaining PREZISTA®, which was recently approved in Canada. The release helps us stay informed with what they are most recently involved with so we can follow them and stay up to date on their accomplishments.


Johnson & Johnson also provides you with the ability to receive e-mail alerts from the Investors section of their site. You can listen to a podcast of investor events which could be found on the Webcasts/Presentations page.


Johnson & Johnson is using Youtube to their advantage by displaying footage of them working with partners such as AmeriCares and MAP International, helping to provide much needed relief and medical supplies to the victims of Haiti. Keeping your publics updated on current issues and events is very important. The earthquake in Haiti is one of the most talked about topics around the world right now, so by Johnson & Johnson showing us that they are involved with the relief effort is very smart. America today is very interested in the companies that are working alongside them, helping out with the environment and with the current issues. Therefore, Johnson & Johnson is doing the right thing by being so involved. This shows us that they care about the latest activities going on around the world and that they are will to help out when needed.

Johnson & Johnson has videos on their website providing us with the efforts they are making towards the crisis in Haiti. They also have videos explaining their credo values and what they stand for as a company. This helps us see what their main goals are and that they want to do whatever possible to put their publics health and well being first.

I was really impressed when I signed onto my LinkedIn account and saw that Johnson & Johnson were a part of it. LinkedIn, in my opinion, is one of the most important social media tools today. Almost anyone in the professional world, as well as college students are part of LinkedIn. By utilizing this tool, Johnson & Johnson are able to display a brief description of themselves which allows people to see who they really are as a company and to understand their main functioning purpose. They are also able to display all the great employees they have, while they can also search for new employees. New employees adds to a larger Johnson & Johnson Family, bringing in news ideas and providing them with a stronger reputation than they already have.

A work in progress…

I would say that Johnson & Johnson is going in the right direction with their use of social media, however I feel that they could still use it more. When people think of social media today the first 2 examples that come to mind are Facebook and Twitter. When first looking for Johnson & Johnson on these 2 social media websites I couldn't locate them on either and I was disappointed. I was very close to becoming discouraged and not searching any further, however after a while I was able to find them. If I were hired as their new, young and very “up to the latest trends” PR representative, the first thing I would do is make Johnson & Johnson more easily found on both Twitter and Facebook, because if these 2 sites are utilized in the right way they could be extremely useful.

With Twittter, Johnson & Johnson is able to keep their publics and fans up to date not only daily, but hourly, if needed. They put the most up to date information on it always keeping key audiences informed. What I would really focus on would be their involvement in the Haiti relief program or with the introduction of new products or even employees. Twitter is also good to have when faced with a crisis. This way they would be able to keep their publics up to date on all the information regarding the crisis. Twitter is a good way to show that your company is not only up to date on “new media” but they they are also willing to share information with you in regards to what is going on with the company. It is the best way for people to follow you in every step forward that you make.

Johnson & Johnson uses Facebook to showcase events that they will be holding, or also just to keep their publics informed with their newest information. By having the ability to “friend” a company, you feel more connected with them and this allows you to feel as though they are working alongside you. This gives Johnson & Johnson a more young and fun appeal.

We know that Johnson & Johnson has a great reputation and that they are doing tremendous things for the environment and for the people of the world, yet sometimes we need to be reminded of this information & social networks and media are the best ways to do this.

We live in a society today that we need to feel “connected” to the world 24/7. Social media fills this void. Johnson & Johnson has done a really important thing by jumping on the band wagon and using social media, yet I feel as though they could still be a little more creative with it. Johnson & Johnson didn't find me on the social media networks, I had to find it...

Monday, February 8, 2010


WHY Johnson & Johnson?…

In the upcoming blogs I will be exploring one of the world’s most prestigious companies known as Johnson & Johnson. Throughout these blogs, I will follow Johnson & Johnson as they progress forward. I will highlight their past, display current updates, news and events regarding the company, and I will also help the world foresee their future; making light to what could be and how they will be able to obtain an even greater reputation than they already have.

I have selected Johnson &Johnson because I know they have the ability to grow, being the strong corporation that they are. They have seen disaster straight in the face, and were able to overcome and keep moving forward. Also, Johnson & Johnson’s every step has been powered by generations of employees who are inspired to make a difference. They put the people they serve first. Johnson & Johnson is here for us, not themselves and that is what makes them a reputable company.

WHAT do Johnson & Johnson do?…

Johnson & Johnson is a global American pharmaceutical, medical devices and consumer packaged goods manufacturer which was founded in 1886. Existing for over a century, Johnson & Johnson has gained its corporate reputation by listing on the Fortune 500 List, ranking at the top of Harris Interactive's National Corporate Reputation Survey, ranking as the world's most respected company by Barron's Magazine, and was the first corporation awarded the Benjamin Franklin Award for Public Diplomacy by the U.S. State Department for its funding of international education programs. Johnson & Johnson is not only involved with making worldwide products for their consumers; they reach out in other ways as well, showing that they embody a company that really cares for the community. They want the best overall health for those they are involved with. They are currently working with numerous disaster relief partners helping to save as many lives as possible in Haiti. They are contributing in significant ways with cash and product donations, as well as finding ways to get needed health care supplies into Haiti. Haiti Relief

Johnson & Johnson are also supporting the “Go Green” movement and campaign by setting several positive goals to keep their company environmentally friendly. They have agreed to change their packaging of plastic bottles, due to harmful chemicals used in the manufacturing process, switching their packaging of liquids to safe non-polycarbonate containers.

What really makes Johnson & Johnson stand out from other companies is that they are living for today and involved with all the current issues in the world. They are showing us that they are working alongside us, everyday, and that they want to grow with us. Johnson & Johnson wants us to trust them.

Johnson & Johnson’s Reputation…

Like any other big and successful company, Johnson & Johnson has encountered circumstances that could have put their reputation at stake and could have depleted the company all together. In 1982, Extra Strength Tylenol capsules in Chicago-area stores were found to be poisoned with cyanide. However, Johnson & Johnson's quick response, including a nationwide recall, was widely praised by public relations experts and the media and they were able to regain their public’s trust and rebuild their reputation. That one mistake made them into the reputable company they are today. This allowed people to see the strength within Johnson & Johnson to overcome a crisis and rebuild.

Johnson & Johnson has a great website which helps them portray how trustworthy they are as a world-wide company. On this site they provide us with their credo and values as a company, which states,

“Our Credo challenges us to put the needs and well-being of the people we serve first”.

The website also presents us with their most current campaigns and news regarding Johnson & Johnson. The website really portrays the success Johnson & Johnson has received over the years. They also give us contact information and Q & A’s so that there is no reason for us to question any of their abilities or actions. If we have any problems we can contact them directly or even look at their frequently updated press releases.

Possible Challenges…

The United States Department of Justice brought suit against Johnson & Johnson in 2010, alleging that they illegally marketed their drugs through Omnicare, a company that dispenses drugs to nursing homes and the alleged kickbacks amounted to tens of millions of dollars. Kickbacks to Omnicare If this information is true, Johnson & Johnson may lose their long reputation and will now be looked at as caring more about making money, then providing the best for their public(s). The PR professionals of Johnson & Johnson may have a hard time trying to explain this one.

Possible Opportunities…

This “suit” can also be looked at as an opportunity for Johnson & Johnson. If they can prove The United States Department of Justice wrong, then they will prevail once again in the face of a crisis. This is an opportunity to grow even more and show everyone that they really are a strong company putting others first.

We will just have to wait and see…